Yes, it has been a while since we have blogged or written a newsletter (there is one soon to come). So let me give you an update on life here. It has been quite a busy 2 months since we arrived here, and it feels like we are just now getting settled in to life and work here -- settled in just in time for Baby B to arrive. We received our shipment from the States on Sept 3 (the day before school started), and this past week unpacked the last box. We are still working out where to put everything, but it's looking more and more like a home. Baby's room is almost ready, and we are more than ready for her to be here. Her expected due date is Nov 16th, but we are hoping that she comes early. Christiana has been to the doctor a couple of times and has gotten the registration finalized at the hospital. So now, we wait.
The first month and a half of school have been filled with lesson plans and crazy days and field trips and most recently the secondary retreat. We took all the 7th-12 graders (about 35 students) to a camp 2 hrs outside the city for a weekend of spiritual growth and getting to know each other better. This retreat was quite different than ones we have experienced in the past, as the high school leadership team planned and led most of the weekend, including all the chapel talks. We were quite impressed with what they did. It was a good weekend to get away, but we got very little sleep. We were thankful to come home to our own bed. Please pray for the students that they will not forget what they heard this weekend, and they will choose to apply it to their everyday lives.
Here are a few pictures:

The first month and a half of school have been filled with lesson plans and crazy days and field trips and most recently the secondary retreat. We took all the 7th-12 graders (about 35 students) to a camp 2 hrs outside the city for a weekend of spiritual growth and getting to know each other better. This retreat was quite different than ones we have experienced in the past, as the high school leadership team planned and led most of the weekend, including all the chapel talks. We were quite impressed with what they did. It was a good weekend to get away, but we got very little sleep. We were thankful to come home to our own bed. Please pray for the students that they will not forget what they heard this weekend, and they will choose to apply it to their everyday lives.
Here are a few pictures:
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