Our Ministry

We are called to serve in international Christian schools. It's not a job for everybody, and we've had days where we wonder if we're on the right track, but God continues to confirm our calling & our purpose. 

We are sent through an organization called Resourcing Christian Education International (RCE). RCE's sole purpose is to see support-based teachers sent to international Christian schools as quickly & efficiently as possible. We both joined RCE while we were serving at Hinkson Christian Academy in Moscow, Russia.

After we were married, we spent about 6 months earnestly praying & seeking God's direction for our next place of service. We believe we have been led to serve at the Christian International School of Prague in the Czech Republic. 

CISP is less than 10 years old, and currently has about 80 students in grades K-12. The school rented rooms from a Czech institution, and it frequently lacked adequate space for classrooms, offices, and extra-curricular activities. Last month, the administration of the school was able to sign a long-term lease for its OWN building. This will not only provide CISP with the adequate classroom space it has so desperately needed, it will also allow the school to increase its enrollment. 

Like many international schools, CISP has a very transient community, among both staff & students. When Phil was asked if he would consider teaching a middle school Bible class, he was told that the course had not had the same teacher for two years in a row. This is not a reflection on the school or the students, it's simply a way of life among international schools.

We are very impressed with CISP's mission & its vision for its community. We knew that we could make a long-term commitment to this school, and we hope that we might provide some longevity & stability for the students. Our first term will be 4 years, and we are eager to begin our service in August.

Phil will be teaching 7th-9th grade English, and 7th grade Bible. Christiana will work for RCE as a recruiter & staff care coordinator for teachers at RCE's partner schools, at least until our 1st child arrives in November. We also desire to open our home to fellow missionaries in need of a place of rest. 

We know that we will have many  adjustments to make in our new place of service, but we look forward to what God has in store for us.

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